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Do I Really have to Let the Other Parent have Visitation During the Coronavirus Pandemic?


I’ve received a few phone calls in the last three weeks from frantic parents asking me, “Is visitation still mandatory given we are dealing with the coronavirus?”

The answer is,”Yes!”

There is no reason to use the coronavirus to hurt your spouse, ex-spouse, or child This is not the time to play games or use your child or a pandemic to do so. Please don’t be “that parent!”

I know a lot of you who are co-parenting are doing it successfully and will absolutely do everything in the best interest of your child. For those of you thinking of divorce, engaged in divorce, or already divorced, following or creating a parenting plan is key!

Parenting Plan:

If you have a parenting plan, follow it! If you don’t have one consider creating one. As a divorce attorney and mediator I can help you create a parenting plan that will meet the needs of your family and keep your children safe during this medical crisis.


I encourage my clients to speak with each other. If you are concerned that the other parent is allowing other people too much access to your child, talk about it. If the other parent is not adhering to social distancing, talk about it. Of course, if someone in the household has coronavirus, serious discussions need to take place and plans for the child’s safety needs to be discussed. If children are expressing fear, parents need to have a discussion about what and how information about the virus should be shared with the child depending the child’s age.

What if your child is sick?

If your child is sick, not with the virus, then the exchange of information and visitation ideas between parents is imperative. If your child is sick, discuss taking a child to a doctor, hospital or urgent care facility. Share information about symptoms, diagnosis and medications. All of these items can be laid out in a parenting agreement if you don’t have one.

School is Closed:

Now that school has been cancelled and transfer time often happens at school, what do you do?

If your child isn’t attending school and it’s a transfer day, speak with the other parent and make other arrangements for the transfer. If you don’t want the transfer to take place at your home, you can choose a nearby mall parking lot or park that is not too crowded. Remember social distancing is imperative for everyone!

Even if it is difficult, it is time to come together and be the parents your children need you to be!

I can help you design a parenting plan to cope with your unusual custody/visitation needs at this time. Having a plan in place will create structure and reduce confrontation and stress for you and your family.

During this medical crisis, our FREE 1 HOUR CONSULTATIONS are being conducted virtually by telephone or TeleDivorce by Skype or FaceTime to reduce risk and maintain safety for everyone!

Call now to book your free consultation. 212.734.1551

I look forward to working with you, and creating a parenting agreement you can live with.

Stay Healthy & Safe!

Warm regards,
