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Are You Finally Ready to Leave Your Marriage?


You may have been living in an unhappy marriage and just didn’t have the courage to do anything about it. It's easy to keep putting it off because you know it will be unpleasant.

But now, after struggling through a pandemic for the past year, you are finally finding the courage to break free. As a divorce lawyer and mediator who deals with psychological issues as well, I have received unprecedented calls over the last year from couples who have suffered greatly due to these new, unforeseen circumstances due to COVID-19.

Couples have been living in marriages plagued by verbal abuse, infidelity, financial control, and other difficult conditions. With all the hysteria surrounding the coronavirus and tensions running high, these difficult living arrangements have become unbearable, and in some cases dangerous. Spouses are reaching out to me, motivated to move forward, now more than ever, to change their lives for the better.

If you are part of such a couple, there is something you can do to change your life and move ahead. It is difficult to live under the same roof with no relief in sight.

The solution for many is my unique mediation process. As the mediator, I am a neutral party, and I successfully facilitate discussions between couples leading to a separation agreement and divorce.

Since the courts are essentially working virtually, many of my clients are choosing mediation to end their marriage in a non-adversarial way that is less expensive and less time consuming than litigation.

Even when couples are angry at each other, it is possible to engage in mediation with a successful outcome. My psychologically infused mediation process is quite remarkable.

During our mediation sessions we will be dealing with dividing property (equitable distribution), asset allocation, deciding whether or not there will be spousal support, children, and how they will be supported and how and where will they spend their time.

If your marriage is being plagued by abuse, infidelity, financial control, and other difficult conditions and you just can’t take it anymore, call me. I will help you to leave your marriage safely and successfully.

During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic all our FREE 1 HOUR CONSULTATIONS are conveniently conducted virtually to reduce risk.

There is a way out of an unhappy marriage, I will show you how to step into the healthy, happy future you deserve.

Call 212.734.1551 now to book your free consultation.

Stay healthy and safe!

Warm regards,

New York Divorce lawyer Lois Brenner is offering a free COVID divorce consultation.

Call 212.734.1551 today to schedule your free consultation!
