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Are You Properly Prepared to Divorce the Narcissist in Your Life?


If you’re not, and you want a divorce, you will need to be. I can help you! There are various healthy traits of narcissism in many of us. But then there is the actual diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

As a psychologically-trained divorce attorney and mediator for over 35 years, I am uniquely skilled at identifying a narcissistic spouse in a marriage and guiding an individual carefully to terminate a marriage. Being informed and properly prepared is key to carefully dissolving a marriage to a narcissist.

No one sets out to marry a narcissist. Their behavior charms you and sneaks up on you. Don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed if you find yourself the victim of a narcissist; you are not alone! Once you are enveloped in their world, it’s often difficult to get out. :(

You may ask yourself, “How did I get here?”

The answer is you were seduced by their charisma and cunning tactics. Don’t be too hard on yourself. The best and the brightest can be deceived by this personality disorder.

From my psychological training, I want to share with you some of the telltale signs of Narcisisstic behavior:

A narcissist:

  • Believes they are “special”- can only be understood by an intellectual few or should associate with only the elite
  • Has a grandiose sense of self
  • Demands excessive attention
  • Has a strong sense of entitlement
  • Lacks empathy
  • Is arrogant
  • Spends a lot of time on appearance
  • Is extremely likable when you first meet
  • Is his/her favorite subject
  • Name drops
  • Is a drama king/queen
  • Is hypersensitive to criticism
  • Takes no responsibility for anything
  • Is a control freak

That was exhausting!! Narcissists usually are!

If you are married to someone with several of these traits, it’s time to consider moving on…

Life with a narcissist is usually abusive and definitely emotionally draining.

Taking the right steps, with the skilled guidance of a professional, is imperative to safely remove yourself from this type of abusive relationship and marriage.

A narcissist is a toxic, high-maintenance personality.

If I can help you navigate a path out of this type of marriage, let me know.

I am familiar with the traits of a narcissist and uniquely trained as both a medical professional and divorce attorney to help you successfully and safely divorce the narcissist in your life.

All our FREE 1 HOUR CONSULTATIONS are conducted virtually to reduce risk.

Stay healthy and safe!

Warm regards,


If you think you are married to a narcissist and want safely leave your marriage, call New York Divorce Lawyer Lois Brenner now to schedule your free consultation.

Call 212.734.1551
