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Looking for a Divorce Where There Are No Expensive Attorneys, You Don’t Have to Go to Court, and You Don’t Have to Wait Years fo

Divorce mediation is a process that helps couples reach a mutually acceptable agreement on the terms of their divorce, without the need for expensive attorneys, a trial or court intervention and can take months instead of years! Mediation puts you in the driver’s seat.

As a psychologically trained divorce attorney and mediator, I created a unique personality-based mediation process that is powerful, productive and non-adversarial.

During mediation, both parties work with me to identify and resolve issues related to their divorce. Mediation is a less adversarial and more cost-effective way to settle a divorce, and it can help both parties avoid the emotional and financial stress of going to court.

However, to make the most of the mediation process, it is important to come prepared to discuss certain key issues. Here are some topics you should be ready to discuss in divorce mediation:

1. Division of marital property and assets

This includes everything from your home and car to your bank accounts and retirement funds. You will need to decide how to divide your assets fairly and equitably, taking into account factors such as your income, contributions to the marriage, and future financial needs. Before attending our mediation sessions, both spouses will complete a detailed financial and property worksheet called a Statement of Net Worth. During our mediation sessions, we determine what property belongs to the marital estate and what, if any, belongs to the individual spouses. I will help the couple make decisions on how to split the marital assets.

2.  Retirement account division

Aside from the marital home, retirement accounts are often a couple's largest asset. Dividing retirement accounts in divorce can be complicated. Spouses must disclose 401k, 403b, pension, and any other retirement accounts to their spouse. In most cases, if you want to divide a retirement account, you'll need to create what's called a "qualified domestic relations order" (QDRO).

3.  Child custody and visitation

If you and your spouse have children, child custody and visitation will be a major focus of your mediation. You will need to decide how to divide parenting responsibilities, including where your children will live and how much time they will spend with each parent. You will also need to discuss how you will make decisions about your children’s education, healthcare, and other important matters.

4.  Child support

In addition to discussing custody and visitation, you will also need to discuss child support. This includes deciding how much support should be paid, when and payments should be made.

5. Spousal support

If you believe you'll need spousal support (also called "alimony" or "maintenance"), we will take an in-depth look into your income and financial obligations. If you aren't sure where to start, I can help you.

 6. Taxes

Divorce can have significant tax implications, so it is important to discuss these issues in mediation. This includes deciding how to file your taxes after the divorce, who will claim the children as dependents, and how to handle any outstanding tax debts.

7. Insurance coverage

You will want to discuss the ownership and possible transfer of all policies you have, such as medical, vehicle, property, and umbrella. When couples divorce, health insurance in particular often becomes a significant issue for at least one spouse—make sure you're ready to discuss how each of you will maintain coverage.

8. Communication and Co-Parenting

It is important to discuss how you will communicate and co-parent after the divorce. This includes developing a parenting plan that outlines how you will make decisions about your children, communicate with each other, and handle any disputes that may arise.

As a psychologically-trained mediator, I help you arrive at an agreement that will keep you both out of court and keep your children happy too.

Divorce mediation can be an effective way to reach a mutually acceptable agreement with your spouse. To make the most of the process, it is helpful to be prepared. By doing so, you can work together with your spouse to reach a fair and equitable settlement that meets the needs of everyone involved.

I am an advocate for divorce with dignity. I have mastered techniques using psychology and sound legal strategy to get couples through the divorce process without going insane or draining their bank accounts.

Let me show you how divorce mediation works. Call me for a free consultation. 212.734.1551.

Warm regards,


Call New York Divorce Lawyer Lois Brenner now to schedule your Free Consultation.

